A care home in Cumbernauld has once again been granted planning permission in principle for a potential extension.

North Lanarkshire Council’s planning committee was told that although Darroch Nursing Home had no intention to actually build the proposed 17-bed extension to its premises, it sought to renew previously awarded planning permission with a view to potentially selling the business on.  Similar permission had been granted but not acted upon on two previous occasions.

Planning officers recommended granting the application, subject to conditions, as it was considered to be in keeping with local policy. The first condition required that before any development began an additional, more detailed planning application would have to be approved.

A total of 18 objections to the application had been received, primarily expressing concerns over parking, road safety and drainage, although no complaints were considered to present major concerns to the planning officers.

The application was therefore unanimously granted in line with the recommendations made to the committee.