Many enter King Tut’s Wah Wah Tent looking for a reprieve from the miserable weather, it probably comes as a shock when singer James Alexander Graham welcomes them with a cheerful “let’s all get miserable together!”

Their latest album is titled Nobody Wants to be Here and Nobody Wants to Leave, which is an extremely appropriate sentiment for a rainy festival.

The Twilight Sad have never been accused of being an overly positive bunch, but they actually look like they’re having a good time, perhaps secretly pleased that it’s raining and they have a captive audience.

There are several packed into the very front of the tent who are ardent fans, song titles like I Became a Prostitute coming as no shock to them, but catching those looking forward to Hot Chip off guard.

Despite the bleak sounding names and the rain outside, this is actually a pleasant way to spend an afternoon at a festival.

By the time they get round to their last song, the opening track from their debut album Cold Days from the Birdhouse, the hardcore are satisfied and it’s probably safe to say that a few shelter seekers have been converted.

David O'Connor