Tom Morton has announced that he is standing down from his Radio Scotland late night shows.

Morton, who has been on the airwaves for 23 years, is quitting his show following a bout of ill health.

The music broadcaster and writer, who currently hosts Morton Through Midnight, decided to stand down from his three hour show while he battles back to full health. News of Morton's heart problem had emerged online.

He will return to the airwaves for a final show on Sunday, May 31.

Morton, whose is the father of Great British Bake Off star James Morton, said: "I've been humbled and moved by the outpouring of support since news of my illness broke online, and the many people expressing the hope that I'll be back on air soon. Alas, that's not going to happen.

"After more than 20 years of regular live broadcasting on BBC Radio Scotland, and having talked things over with my family, I've decided it's time to move on.

"There may be other on-air projects, but, having taken stock, and with grateful thanks to the Morton Through Midnight listeners, who have been so committed and who in so many cases have become friends, to Demus Productions and everyone at BBC Radio Scotland, it's a really heartfelt thank you. And goodnight."

Jeff Zycinski, head of Radio Scotland, said: "I count myself among Tom's many fans and I'm sorry he's taking a step back - hopefully temporarily- from radio. We've worked together on and off for more than twenty years. His passion for music and story-telling is what makes him such a fine and authentic broadcaster."