1kg white fish (whiting, hake, cod, haddock), skinned, boned and cut into 2cm pieces

100g pre-cooked, finely cut green beans

1-2 eggs


Core of one lemongrass stick, finely chopped

2 tablespoons chopped coriander

1 teaspoon chopped red chilli

1 teaspoon chopped ginger

1 teaspoon chopped garlic

Pinch salt

Sunflower oil


BLEND the fish in the food processor for two minutes, add the yolks and white of the eggs and blend for a further 30 seconds.

Add the lemongrass, coriander, chilli, ginger, garlic and salt.

Mix for a further 30 seconds. Once the mix is ready, mould into cakes. This should make about 16 fishcakes.

Fry these in the sunflower oil until golden brown on both sides (approximately two minutes).

If you're not sure they're fully cooked, place in a hot oven on a tray for a further minute.

Serve with the green beans with lime and cucumber.

A simple dressing can be made using teriyaki sauce with a little finely grated ginger, finely chopped chilli and lemon juice.