I'm sure my son smokes cannabis when he's with his friends.

I'm worried as he has a car and drives everywhere. Is there a police test for drug driving?

Yes. Police can carry out a field impairment (FIT) test at the roadside, to check if a driver is under the influence of drugs. Police may also use this test if they think a driver's judgment is impaired due to alcohol, but the breathalyser reading is below the legal limit.

The test includes five exercises that aim to show if the driver has taken drugs or drink. Some of the tests include assessing the driver's eyes and their pupils' reaction to light, checking the driver can stand on one leg while counting out loud and whether they can walk heel-to-toe along a straight line.

If the driver can't perform the test properly, the officer may decide to arrest them. At the police station, blood, saliva or urine will be checked for traces of drugs or alcohol.

Bursitis is inflammation (swelling) of a bursa, which is a small fluid-filled sac under the skin, normally found over the joints and between tendons and bones.

A bursa can become inflamed through injury or repetitive movement, or less commonly as a result of infection or as a complication of certain conditions, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis. When bursitis occurs, it commonly causes pain and swelling in the affected body part.


In most cases, bursitis can be successfully treated through rest and using over-the-counter painkillers.

Doctors usually recommend a self-care management approach known as PRICEM, which stands for: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Medication.

My daughter is a keen runner and she regularly suffers from athlete's foot. What can she do to prevent it?

Athlete's foot is a common infection, usually caused by a fungus called a dermatophyte. The fungus lives on dead skin, hair and toenails and multiplies in warm, moist environments, leading to infection. It is best to start treatment as soon as possible as the infection is harder to treat if it spreads.

To help prevent catching the infection, your daughter should wash her feet and toes daily and dry thoroughly between her toes, change her socks or tights on a daily basis, and wear socks and shoes made from natural materials.

She should avoid wearing shoes without socks and tights and wear plastic shoes or flip-flops in communal showers, changing rooms and around pools. At home she should also try to spend time in her bare feet, leaving her shoes and socks off as much as possible.