I OVERHEARD my teenage son talking on the phone and it sounded like he fancied his best friend.

Does that mean he is gay?

lNot necessarily. Your son's friend may just have qualities that he particularly admires.

However, if he has strong feelings for a friend of the same sex, it is important he talks to someone he trusts about subjects relating to sexuality before he talks to his friend.

Sometimes people don't react the way you think they will. He may not want to talk to you about it so be wary of broaching the subject unless he approaches you first.

There are many support groups who can help him in making the decision about recognising his sexuality. Some also offer a social network so, if he needs to, your son can chat with other lesbian and gay young people who are going through a similar experience.

The most important thing is that he is true to himself and does things at his own pace.

He can look for support at the Support Service Directory on www.nhsinform.co.uk