Rainbow Room International, Glasgow, Floatation experience
My colleagues all seemed to develop sudden claustrophobia issues when we discussed who would test out Rainbow Room's latest relaxation treatment - floatation therapy.

It involves lying in a dark tank, with a few inches of warm, highly salted water, and floating, in silence for up to an hour. 
It's intended to give you complete sensory deprivation, and a chance to relax, rest and think without any distractions. It is said to encourage endorphins too, leaving you feeling happy and revived. 

Arriving at Rainbow Room's swish salon in Royal Exchange Square, I was greeted by a warm and friendly receptionist who led me up to a treatment room and explained what I had to do. A small jar of Vaseline, to cover any cuts or scrapes, and a packet of earplugs sat on a table, and a small door at the back of the room was ajar revealing a large, dark, salty tank. 

After showering I stepped in to the cavernous tank and lay down. Initially I was reluctant to let my neck fully relax, afraid I would sink under the water, but after about 15 minutes I managed to fully unwind.

It was a bit daunting at first, as the complete lack of any sights, sounds or light disorientated me as I floated around. The water is heated to skin temperature (93.5 degrees) so that once you've settled in, it is virtually impossible to tell which parts of your body are in the water and which are not.
The tank itself was fairly roomy - I could float comfortably from top to bottom without constantly bumping into the sides. After I while I started to feel as though I was asleep, and possibly I was.

It's hard to tell when the environment looks exactly the same with and without your eyes closed. I developed a deep sense of relaxation and went into a sort of meditative state, half awake and half asleep with no concept of time. 

After what felt like hours, I decided to get out, shower and freshen up. A range of shampoos and conditioners were available to use and a room next door equipped with hairdryers, brushes and straighteners meant I didn't leave looking bedraggled.

Fans of flotation therapy say it leaves you feeling as though you've had five hours of sleep in just an hour. For me, it wasn't quite so rejuvenating but a relaxing experience nonetheless. My skin felt soft from the salty water and my stiff muscles had relaxed and were no longer tense. 
It's not something I would do regularly, maybe once or twice a year to fully de-stress, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Rating: 4 stars 
Prices start at £26 for 30 minutes
Rainbow Room International
24 Royal Exchange Square
G1 3AB
0141 204 4460