If you are not already composting your garden waste then now is the time to start as there will be plenty of grass clippings around that is the perfect composter and speeds up the process with the nitrogen rich clippings.

It is always worth spending time giving some consideration to where you will site your compost heap or compost bin, there can be strong smells from the composting material therefore not something you will want at the front door or too close to the house or near your patio area.

Choose an area that is slightly hidden however it is a good idea that it remains in full sun if possible and especially during the winter so that it still has direct sunlight and some heat to aid the decomposing process. Compost heaps that are solely made up of grass clippings are not ideal heaps as they quickly sink and compact together, this slows the decomposing process as the compaction of the pile slows down the air movement and can result in a stagnant pile.

Compost areas that are layered with different material breakdown better and in some circumstances can be ready to use again in the garden in a few months.

There are simple methods of composting to follow right through to quite sophisticated methods that even allow the water from the composting process to be gathered in a container and used for feeding purposes around the garden, compost heaps, piles or bins vary from a simple pile to drums containers specifically built for purpose.

It is important to know what is best to have quick turnaround in your material and too much of one type of material can slow the process as mentioned earlier with grass clippings therefore you want a mixture of green material such as plant leaves, grass clippings and brown material can consist of older dry brown leaves or even shredded brown paper and cardboard to assist the breakdown process. It is advisable to have your compost pile in a contained area, this can be something specially fabricated for the purpose or a homemade container from old wood, old pallets are ideal.

Air movement is important therefore woody stem plants can be added at the base and between layers to keep air circulating but remember items added that are too large will either take a long time to break down or will not decompose. Tea and coffee once used can be added to the compost pile with types of food such as vegetable peelings but not cooked vegetables. Do not add food waste as this can encourage vermin.

Do not add plant material that is diseased or has been sprayed with any chemicals to treat disease. Once your material in your heap looks like a nice rich dark soil then it is ready to be added to the garden. If you are planting any new plants in to the area it is always advisable to add the new compost to the soil area a few weeks before any new plants.

Paul Brannan