LABOUR has promised to protect health services across the country from cuts.

Party leader, Kezia Dugdale, met campaigners at the Royal Alexandria Hospital in Paisley where it is feared child and maternity services are at risk.

She said decisions about vital services were being deliberately delayed until after the election and pledged to keep them open if Labour wins the election.

Services Labour said are at risk include Lightburn Hospital in the east end of Glasgow,

Children’s ward and maternity unit at the RAH, the Community Maternity Unity at Inverclyde Royal and a children’s ward at St John’s in Livingstone.

Health Secretary Shona Robison has repeatedly said no plans have been produced to close Lighburn despite the Evening Times seeing a health board document that includes the option as part of a multi-million pound savings plan.

Ms Dugdale said: “Under the SNP the local services that people across the country rely on are at risk. It's unacceptable for the SNP Government to kick decisions about the future of our health service into the long grass until after the election.

"Labour will protect local services across Scotland, including the children's wards at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley and St John's Hospital in Lothian.”

Ms Robison hit back, saying: “This is astonishing hypocrisy from Labour given their shameful record of hospital closures while in office.”