THE EU referendum campaign hit the streets of Glasgow with in campaigners urging people to vote to remain.

With six weeks until the UK wide referendum on whether Britain should stay in or leave the European Union the campaigns are stepping up their bid to persuade voters.

Scotland Stronger In Europe launched its ‘Remain’ campaign in both Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Activists gathered in Buchanan Street on the Buchannan Galleries steps, a favoured location for political campaigns.

The campaign doesn’t include political parties and seeks to persuade people across all sectors of society that the country benefits from being in Europe.

It argues that on trade, security social justice and environmental protection working in partnership in the EU provides benefits that leaving would damage.

With polls in England showing the leave and remain campaigns neck and neck the Stronger In Europe campaign argue that a big vote to stay from Scotland could be the deciding factor.

John Edward, campaign spokesman said: “The referendum looks like being extremely close UK-wide, and we are putting all our supporters and activists on alert that the votes of the people of Scotland could make the difference in achieving a Remain result across the UK.

“The polls in Scotland suggest a very large potential Remain vote – stretching across the political spectrum and bridging both sides of the independence debate.”

All the main political parties in Scotland are in favour of remaining in the EU. Some Conservatives have backed the Leave campaign but leader Ruth Davidson says she would prefer a vote to stay.

The latest poll of polls covering six surveys since April 26 and May 8 show support for the campaigns at 50% each.

The referendum takes place on Thursday June 23.