SIX youths have been arrested after a foetus was discovered in a hospital building used to store medical artefacts.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said a secured facility, part of the old Stobhill Hospital, used to store artefacts for teaching purposes was broken into.

Six youths have been referred to the Children's Reporter after a bag was discovered containing a foetus in liquid.

The health board said artefacts stored in the building complied with the relevant legislation.

A criminal investigation has been launched by Police Scotland.

A video of the incident shows youngsters screaming when they discovered the bag.

Read more: Terrified kids find baby in bag in Stobhill hospital break-in horror

Stobhill has not had maternity facilities for 24 years and was designated a teaching hospital in 1937.

A spokeswoman for NHSGGC said: "A locked building within the Stobhill Hospital site was broken into at the weekend.

"The secured facility is used to store artefacts, all of which comply with relevant legislation. 

"The matter is subject to an ongoing criminal investigation."

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland added: "Six youths, three aged 13 and three aged 14, were arrested on Wednesday 17 August in relation to alleged theft by housebreaking at Stobhill Hospital."

"A report will be sent to the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration."