Siri can say and find a lot of things to make us humans' lives easier.

Many amusing conversations have taken place between our robotic friend and us, but this update is one you will really love.

Glasgow Times:

Siri will be able to speak to you as if you are the Batman, thanks to a Lego Batman-themed update.

If you say "Hey Puter" or "Hey Computer" with the new update, Siri will reply with a series of Batman-related responses fit only for us superheroes out there.

Expect to hear responses like: "How can I help you, Lego Batman",

"Welcome home, sir. FYI, Robin is trying on costumes in the Batcave again. He's doing some pirouettes in Batryshnikov." and "Hello Sir. I've heated up your lobster thermidor in the microwave."

Give it a spin.