NO need to fret – worrying is good for you, according to research.

People who breeze through life are more vulnerable to ill health than those who continually anxious, says a leading psychologist.

But the old adage about “worrying yourself sick”, or even “to death”, is still true – when it gets over the top.

Professor Kate Sweeny, of California University, Riverside, said: “Extreme levels of worry are harmful to one’s health. I do not intend to advocate for excessive worrying. Instead, I hope to provide reassurance to the helpless worrier – planning and preventive action is not a bad thing. Worrying the right amount is far better than not worrying at all.”

Her study, published in Social And Personality Psychology Compass, said there is an “upside to worrying”. It inspires preventive and protective behaviour, and helps people avoid unpleasant events.

Ms Sweeny said: “Despite its negative reputation, not all worry is destructive or even futile. It has motivational benefits, and it acts as an emotional buffer.”

She found worry is linked with recovery from traumatic events, changing and and planning behaviour to make it safer, getting over depression, taking part in health promoting activity and preventing illness.

People who report greater worry may also perform better in school or at work, seek more information in response to upsetting events and engage in more successful problem solving.

Ms Sweeny said previous research has found worriers are more likely to wear seatbelts, for instance, and use sun cream to guard against skin cancer.

Cancer fears also fuel more breast self-examinations, regular mammograms and clinical breast tests among women.

Ms Sweeny said: ““It seems that both too much and too little worry can interfere with motivation, but the right amount of worry can motivate without paralysing.”