A DRUNK driver was caught more than three times over the limit with bottles of beer on the passenger seat.

Stephen Bird’s vehicle undertook an unmarked police car before officers watched the car weave in and out of lanes on Househillwood Road.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard police pulled him over and spotted a case of Budweiser on the front passenger seat with bottles missing.

The 46-year-old was arrested and taken to Helen Street police office where he was tested and found to have 76 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit being 22 millilitres.

Bird’s defence lawyer said he had been at a barbecue with friends on the evening of April 29, 2017, and knew he should not have been attempting to drive home.

The lawyer said Bird, of Lunderston Drive, Pollok, had a long-standing issue with drink and, following this latest incident, his partner had given him an ultimatum to clean up or move out.

Sheriff Barry Divers said: “You should not have driven and you of all people should know that given this is your third conviction for drink driving.”

Bird was disqualified from driving for three years and put on a Community Payback Order with a supervision requirement for one year.

He will also wear a tag for 12 weeks, keeping him at home between 8pm and 7am.