THE number of people trying to give up cigarettes has risen by 15% in a year in Glasgow, data shows.

New figures suggest the city is making inroads in a number of key health challenges.

Glasgow’s Director of Public Health, Dr Linda de Caestecker said smoking cessation services were now seeing “unprecedented numbers” of people trying to quit.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s weight management service has also seen a 5% rise in referrals in the past year and the number of people accessing a service which support people with an alcohol dependence, has increase to more than 5,200.

In the last year, across Greater Glasgow and Clyde, more than 22,000 hospital based referrals have been made to a range of support projects.

Dr de Caestecker said: “Health and wellbeing can be improved not just through medical interventions.

“By offering people access to a range of support services such as money advice, physical activity, weight management support, smoking cessation advice and alcohol interventions, we can ensure people maximise their health and wellbeing.

“Doctors, nurses and therapists in our acute hospitals are routinely identifying patients and their families who are at risk of poverty or inequality and by working with community colleagues and third sector organisations providing families and individuals with the knowledge of where and how to access any additional support they need.”

The board has already seen a 79% increase in referrals to physical activity support with a large number referred from oncology, cardiac, respiratory and stroke services.

Figures show there has been a 12 per cent drop in smokers in Glasgow since Scotland introduced a ban on lighting up in public places.

The number of smokers has fallen from 37.5% to 25%, according to figures released by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde last year on the 10 year anniversary of a ban on smoking in public places. Overall, across Scotland, smoking rates have dropped by 20%.