A GLASGOW pub is offering drinkers a very Scottish inspired brew.

St Luke's and The Winged Ox, located in Calton, is serving an Irn Bru flavoured beer. 

The Bain Street watering hole will be serving Gurdurs as their beer of the week - labelled as a “soft drink for hard men”.

Staff have described the Irn Bru inspired white stout as "phenomenal" however, there have been mixed reviews online.

Stephen Fee said: "I'd try it yes, sounds horrible though."

Jill Tait said: "Maybe this is the beer fur me."

However, Laura Anderson thinks it is a "strange combo."

Tam Donlon added: "Mate that looks smashing! Should get on about that!"

Would you try Irn Bru beer or should the orange fizz be reserved for the morning after a session at the pub?