SCOTLAND’S biggest Aleo is to be brought back under the control of Glasgow City Council.

The SNP administration at the council is preparing for the break up of Cordia which employs thousands of home carers, school janitors and runs the council catering service Encore.

It said Cordia is no longer fit for the purpose it was set up for and is “unwieldy and inefficient” with too many different functions under one organisation.

If a review of Aleos recommends the move then the council is setting aside £2.5m to facilitate the switch.

The janitors will transfer to Development and Regeneration Services, the home carers to Health and Social Care and Encore will become part of Glasgow Life.

Feargal Dalton, the City Workforce Convenor, said it would help with harmonising staff contracts with most of the equal pay cases being Cordia home carers as well as improving the service.

Mr Dalton said: “The City Government has long believed that Cordia has outlived any usefulness those who created it believed it had. We said in our manifesto that we would seek to dismantle Labour’s inefficiencies and wanted a new relationship with our workforce. Laying out the financial plans to bring Cordia back into the council proper is part of that.

“Home carers employed within Cordia have been those most affected by the equal pay mess and legacy of inequalities left by previous administrations for the City Government to clear up. The harmonisation of terms and conditions is part of the overall strategy to resolve this."