ARCTIC MONKEYS Glasgow gig is looking likely to go ahead after it was confirmed the band will headline Glastonbury tonight.

It comes after their set at the five-day festival and the show at Bellahouston Park on Sunday, June 25, was thrown into question earlier this week. 

The rock band announced on Monday that frontman Alex Turner had acute laryngitis which forced them to cancel their show in Marlay Park, Dublin, on Tuesday, June 20.

But Glastonbury's co-organiser Emily Eavis has since confirmed the Arctic Monkeys will headline the Pyramid Stage.

Broadcasting from the grounds of the festival at Worthy Farm, Zoe Ball asked during her BBC Radio 2 show if the band were still set to play, and Emily replied “they’re on”, which was welcomed with applause.

“It was a little bit close there for a minute and we were thinking about whether we should have a serious back-up plan in place, but no, thankfully they’re on, so that’s great,” she added.

It will be the Sheffield band’s third time headlining the festival after topping the bill on 2007 and 2013.

The group are currently on a world tour with venues in Europe, the US, Canada and Mexico lined up across the next few months.