Children as young as nine are being smuggled into the country by organised gangs to be sold as prostitutes, domestic slaves or, increasingly, to work in cannabis factories.

Many of the gangs have previously smuggled drugs into the UK but have turned to human trafficking as an easier but equally lucrative alternative, and are believed to see entry to Scotland as an easier option than using London airports.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), which monitors child trafficking into the UK, said children are being smuggled into Scotland from countries including China, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Nigeria, Romania and Bangladesh.

Glasgow City Council has taken six victims of child trafficking into its care this year and fears many more remain undetected and uncared for.

The six were all brought to Glasgow against their will and without a parent or guardian. The council has assumed responsibility for their welfare and education.

The council is asking teachers to be vigilant about children from abroad turning up at schools without adequate paperwork and to report any suspicions.

CEOP said Chinese children in particular have been identified arriving through ports such as Stranraer.