REGARDING the story about the owner who is concerned his property will collapse into the River Clyde.

The council spent millions on the White Cart flood defences in the South Side of Glasgow to protect private houses and private businesses.

This quay wall forms part of Glasgow's flood defences, it is also an amenity for the public - a public right of way or footpath.

I believe that proves there is a precedent for the council spending public money to protect private property from flooding.

It would strengthen the homeowners' case if they would transfer the footpath and quay wall to public ownership so that the public can again be guaranteed access to this amenity if public funds pay to repair it.

Posted online by Colin Alexander, Glasgow

I HAVE been reading the opening remarks from our politicians on the upcoming election.

We have the usual selection of yah boo political utterances, they will do this we will do that. Not one politician has mentioned the fact that if all the tax that should be paid was collected there would be enough cash to cover all the needs of the welfare state. There are too many people in this country who are economically inactive. They don't pay tax or national insurance, and they don't claim benefits. What are they living on?

William Allan East Kilbride

MAHMOODAbbas, the leader of the Palestinians, turns up in Paris in solidarity with those promoting peace and freedom and opposing terrorism.

If President Abbas is serious about finding peace and a two-state solution whereby Israel and Palestine co-exist peacefully side-by-side, why does Israel not feature on the Press Association's official map of the Middle-East?

Elliot Davis, Kilmarnock

NEWS of a possible North Korean restaurant opening in Scotland by tyrant Kim Jong-un should never happen.

How can you possibly give this 'freedom' to him while the human atrocities he rules by in his own country.Crazy!

Richard McColl, Glasgow