A VOLUNTEER-run women's group in Govan is facing closure if it fails to secure more than £100,000 in funding.


Tea in the Pot (TITP), which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, was established by Anne Keegan after she discovered there was nowhere for women to go in the south Glasgow area if they were dealing with loneliness or social exclusion.

Supported by Oxfam, Anne set up the informal voluntary group - described as a 'modern-day Steamie' - for women to chat with other women about their issues, learn a new skill or even just enjoy becoming part of a community, all in a no-pressure and non-judgemental environment.

New research from the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) for the UWS-Oxfam Partnership describes TITP as a 'great good place', a place away from work and home that offers a sense of belonging to the women, without the financial pressures to meet in a café, for example, which may be prohibitively expensive for some.

Nearly 2000 visits were made to the drop-in during the last financial yea.

Now TITP requires £110,000 over the next three years if it is to maintain its full level of services.

Anne Keegan, who along with long-time friend Ann McGhee runs the project entirely without pay, said: "People have been coming here for years and it's helped us all.

"We all have our own issues to deal with, which can be quite stressful at times, but we have found the best way to help yourself is by helping others. We're proving that.

"This works so well because there are no bosses. We're all on the same level, despite the fact we all come from different backgrounds, and our ages range from 16 to 86.

"We do have a laugh. It's not just about getting through the hard stuff, but about getting your confidence back, becoming part of a community and learning some new skills."

She added: "But we have to get fresh funding. This is a lifeline to a lot of women and we think it is vital to keep this running."

TITP currently receives funding from Oxfam, the Robertson Trust and NHS Scotland but is entirely delivered by volunteers. It has become increasingly necessary to source additional money to fund paid staff to place the service on a sustainable financial footing.

Current funding pressures mean the group may only be able to continue hiring one of their existing two rooms, potentially losing an essential quiet space for those who feel uncomfortable to join in with larger group discussions.

UWS sociology researcher Maria Feeney carried out the study - which examines the benefit TITP delivers for attendees - for the UWS-Oxfam Partnership.

"Our report can't begin to say how many people this group has helped," she said. "Because there's no pressure to talk, women are more inclined to come along and even just sit for a while until they're comfortable enough to take part. Women come out of their shell here, it changes lives.

"In days gone by, women would use the Steamie to air their washing and their troubles, and this is a modern day equivalent now. TITP puts these women in an environment that engenders a sense of belonging - and our research proves it makes a terrific difference.

"This group helps alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness, builds confidence and helps people engage with the wider community. It should be considered as a model to be applied throughout Scotland. However, it needs to be resourced and it is vital potential funders appreciate the nature and importance of the contribution they are making."

Echoing that sentiment is Govan woman, Caroline Mockford. Caroline didn't speak to anyone for six months after being diagnosed with chronic Crohn's Disease, osteoporosis and depression in 2006. Going to TITP for the first time nine years ago changed that.

She has since completed a social science HNC with the assistance of TITP volunteers, who helped when osteoporosis made writing impossible, and became an active campaigner for social rights, including reinstating public toilets in Govan and successfully leading a five year campaign to end mobile charges for calling NHS 24.

Now working as a volunteer with the Citizen's Advice Bureau, she recently accepted an invitation from the Scottish Government to join the Scottish Food Commission panel.

The 51 year old, who still attends the group, said: "To be honest, if I hadn't come to TITP and met Anne and Ann, I would still be sitting in the house. They gave me the confidence to get back into the world.

"The women there understood my problems, they had different issues, but could relate to me. I also felt some people had worse problems - from grannies to young women - and helping them helped me a lot.

"It is an extremely worthwhile group and I hope a regular source of funding can be found to secure its future."
