THE research by academics on the impact of the UK Government's welfare reforms provides proof of what has long been known by those affected.

The effect is to take cash not only from the most vulnerable, who rely on the welfare state for a variety of reasons, but to further damage the wider communities where they live.

The most deprived areas which the report shows are bearing the brunt of these cuts, are the areas most in need of an injection of cash, instead they are suffering a loss, affecting local businesses and adding to a spiral of decline.

The pursuit of reducing the welfare budget might help reduce government spending in one policy area, but will simply place a greater burden on other services as people need increased support from the health and social consequences of poverty.

The full impact is yet to be seen as the process is not yet complete and the government still has time to consider the damage it is seeing so far and make the necessary changes to ensure the welfare system is fair and provides support to those who require it.

Creating longer term damage for a short term deficit reduction goal is not a solution to some of the most challenging and stubborn problems our most disadvantaged communities face.