So where better to start than to explain a few things about the enigma that is the male species. The age-old question of What do women want? has perhaps overshadowed the fact that the question is equally difficult when applied to men.

Yes, sometimes we are easily pleased (a bit of Netflix and a box of Tunnocks Tea cakes usually does the trick for me) but there are times when the answer isn’t quite so simple.

In my experience, men are the real divas of humanity and admittedly I too have had my moments. When we have the blonde, we want the brunette; when we have chicken, we want beef and when we go to sleep you can’t come on our side, but when we can’t sleep you must be there to tickle our necks until we do fall asleep - and then you must return back to your side.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not here to judge my own kind, I’ve made way too many mistakes of my own to do that, trust me. But are all the negative myths about men really true? Or are they just that – myths?


Are men only after one thing?

On Tinder? Probably yeah. Generally? Only some of the time. Let’s start at the beginning, biologically men are designed to want to ‘pro-create’ (to put it politely) so it’s a very natural thing for a man to instantly crave that type of relationship. However, and this is a big however, biology doesn’t excuse the sock pictures and the rude messages girls are inundated with when it comes to such phenomenons as Tinder. How many times have you received a message that you know for a fact a guy wouldn’t dare say to your face? It seems it’s just a little bit too easy for guys to be a little bit filthy on their phones and why? Probably because they can’t physically get a slap in the face (maybe there should be an app for this?) The one thing you have to remember though is that boys will be boys, there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of cheek as long as it’s not offensive. Guys do think about sex all the time, but that doesn’t make us all predators. If you’re genuinely concerned that someone you like is only after one thing the best thing you can possibly do is the simplest - ask.

Do men constantly lie?

This isn’t true of all men of course but yes we do tell a fair few porkies. The problem is we fall into the trap of saying what we think women want to hear – it’s just easier. Lying is a tricky subject however and perhaps a major deal-breaker for many women but it isn’t always black and white. Men don’t necessarily lie with bad intentions though, sometimes it’s simply to spare your feelings or they have developed a bad habit, the kind that all humans are capable of. Cheating is of course a different issue altogether. Generally speaking try and learn to spot the warning signs and nip the little lies in the bud before things escalate. Just don’t be too quick to jump on the bandwagon, we aren’t always lying – believe me.

"Once a cheater always a cheater"

This one drives me crazy, I cannot stress enough how much this isn’t true. Naturally I don't condone cheating in any way but people do learn from their mistakes. I've known guys who've cheated on their girlfriends and continue to do so with numerous different women, it's a sad fact of life. On the other hand, I’ve known guys who were so wracked with guilt from cheating that they couldn't eat or sleep for days and wouldn't dare go near another woman ever again. Forgiving can be a tough ask in these situations but if you genuinely believe there’s still something there in spite of everything that’s happened, then try and make it work or at least let them attempt to make it up to you. Time will soon tell if you made the right decision.

We hate all of your friends

No this definitely isn’t true at all - we just hate you when you're in a group! There are few words to explain the frustration of a man who has been dragged from his chair to spend an evening with a group of hyperactive women. Yes we'll be gentleman about it, smile politely and listen intently to every one of your rants about "that bitch from work" but sorry ladies we don't want to be there, please don't make us be!

So yeah - men, we’re far from perfect but we’re definitely not all bad. Don’t always believe what you read and be wary of the words of a woman scorned. People will only comment based on their own experiences, but every situation is different. Learn to be the best judge of character you can possibly be and never be afraid to confront your issues, failing that just come and ask me – I promise I don’t just want to get you into bed!