MY husband takes paracetomol quite frequently for headaches. How safe can it be?

Paracetamol works as a painkiller by blocking the production of substances called prostaglandins which are released in response to illness or injury. Paracetamol also reduces temperature by acting on the area of the brain responsible for temperature control.

You can use paracetamol to ease mild to moderate pain, for example headaches, sprains, toothache or the symptoms of a cold. It can also control a fever when you have flu.

Your husband should use it with caution if he has liver or kidney problems or alcohol dependence and he must not exceed the maximum dose stated on the packet. He should not take it with other paracetamol-containing products.

Take paracetamol as directed on the packet or patient information leaflet, or as directed by your GP or pharmacist. Your local community pharmacists are excellent resources if you need advice. They will talk you and your husband through any over the counter medicines you buy and advise whether these will conflict with any current prescriptions you have.

If your husband’s headaches are a new thing and are getting more frequent or severe, he should see his doctor.

WE are going backpacking around India in the summer. Are there any injections we need to get before we go?

This is the perfect time to be looking at what immunisations you need, but remember that some have to be given up to three months advance. You may require immunising against conditions such as Diptheria, Malaria and Hepatitis A.

There is lots of information to help you plan and enjoy a safe and healthy trip from the NHS Scotland website fit for travel at, for up to date information.

WHAT is Kyphosis?

Everyone has a slightly curved spine but Kyphosis is an abnormal curving that causes the top of the back to appear hunched.

Symptoms: In mild cases of Kyphosis, there will be no other symptoms. More severe cases can associated with back pain and tenderness. Very severe cases can cause difficulties with breathing or eating.

Diagnosis: A physical examination by your GP can confirm an abnormal curve in the spine. They may ask you to do simple exercises or lie down in order to confirm the diagnosis. Some curved spines are associated with back posture and can be corrected by sitting correctly and exercising to strengthen the back.

Treatment depends on the type of Kyphosis, and whether the curve in the spine is causing pain or any other symptoms. Surgery is not usually required, unless Kyphosis is severe. Children with Kyphosis may find their symptoms improve by the use of a back brace.