A frightening proportion of clients I see are strong, fit, successful, intelligent women who seem to on the outside be in complete control of their lives be it work or home.  But they all share a common thorn in their paw – WINE.

I am a firm believer that a little of what you fancy is good for you, with the emphasis being on “what is good for you”. So when these ladies ( and less commonly men )  sitting in front of me have tears rolling down their cheeks it’s quite apparent that we have speeded past the stage of it being good for them or a way to unwind on a Friday night after work. Indeed it is now consuming their waking thoughts.

The most common scenario is waking up feeling lethargic and puffy eyed vowing that tonight is a non-drinking night but, as the day creeps on, then that promise becomes one for tomorrow. Where they used to be able to enjoy a glass to unwind or with dinner the glass is now a bottle. Finding themselves willing the kids to go to bed or hiding their habit from partners, choosing not to go and see friends or socialize and instead choosing to stay in with their new best friend.

It is an easy habit to adopt and one I have had first-hand experience with whist trying to survive my first (yes there has been more than one) divorce.

Life is life, and it’s important to recognise that of course we fall upon tough times. The key is to be able to recognise when something uncommon is becoming the new normal. We are creatures of habit, and when we associate something on a sub conscious level with a positive emotion such as happiness, comfort or relaxation for example it is very easy for that action to become ingrained in our daily routine.

When working with clients, what seems to work very well is initially replacing the substance rather than the habit. So still have a lovely cold glass of something. But, instead fill the glass with tonic and fresh lemon or sparkling elderflower. So you are still getting that much needed time-out … just without the hangover.

Try making yourself busy at the time you would normally have your first glass. Then you are already starting to break the habit.

And, last but not least, don’t buy it. If it’s not in the house you can’t drink it. After just a week or so the gains of feeling more energized make the changes seem like the easy choice.

Trust me... I know!


Sandie Robertson is a respected lifestyle coach, wellness expert, hypnotherapist and trainer. An expert on anxiety and stress management she has helped hundreds of clients with problems from weight loss to sports performance, trauma to grief.

If want her to help you contact her on info@sandierobertson.com