Oh, I’m sorry – did I go to bed in 2017 and wake up in 1977?

I’m pretty sure, when I last looked, women were doing all right. It wasn’t perfect, but we had the vote and could make informed decisions about our own bodies and health and great inroads were being made on equal pay and the treatment of women in the workforce.

I thought we no longer had to take to the streets en masse, to defend our rights as women in the way the Suffragettes did, for example?

But here we are. Different century, same old rubbish.

The women’s marches, which brought together men and women from communities all over the world on the first day of Donald Trump’s presidency, should not have been necessary.

We should not have to be scared that decades of progress is about to be rolled back and stamped on and spat out with contempt.

But we are. And if you are not, then why not?

If the idea of the most powerful man in the world already having boasted of treating women like dirt isn’t enough, take a look at the photo that emerged this week of Trump signing the ‘global gag rule’.

It’s a photo that makes me want to eat my own insides, it causes me so much rage.

A bunch of smirking, smug, men in suits, watching as another smirking, smug man in a suit signs an executive order banning international NGOs from providing abortion services or offering information about abortions if they receive US funding.

This order means healthcare workers around the world will be unable to keep offering family planning care that includes abortion if they want to continue to receive essential US funding.

This is terrible. This is sad and scary and wrong. The reimposition of this order, which was not in force during Obama’s presidency could result in a rise in unsafe abortions and many more maternal deaths.

The man signing it of course, doesn’t have the first clue about how to treat women. He can’t even call a vagina a vagina – remember his comment about TV interviewer Megyn Kelly ‘bleeding out of her wherever?’

So, smirk away, gentlemen, safe in the knowledge you will never be in the position of having an unwanted pregnancy, or a dangerous abortion, or a difficult, motherless life.

As journalist Martin Belam said on Twitter: “As long as you live you'll never see a photograph of 7 women signing legislation about what men can do with their reproductive organs…”

So it seems we have no option but to march and protest and shout loudly all over again. Fine.

Let’s write to our MPs, take to the streets, fight for our rights and let’s hope, too, that Theresa May takes a strong message to Trump tomorrow that women’s rights matter.

Whatever it takes. Smirk away, you bunch of wherevers.