I WORK in the retail trade and recently noticed I've had very puffy ankles. What causes this condition?

It is normal to have some swelling in your legs at the end of the day, particularly if you've been sitting or standing for long periods.

Immobility and standing for long periods are the two most common causes of oedema in the legs.

However, puffy ankles also known as Oedema may be the symptom of an underlying health condition.

It can occur as a result of pregnancy, kidney disease, heart failure, chronic lung disease, thyroid disease, liver disease and malnutrition. It can also be related to some medications.

Oedema is often temporary and clears up by itself. For example, if you've been standing up for too long on a hot day, your ankles may swell up until you get the chance to put your feet up and rest.

If it doesn't go away by itself, see your GP. Losing weight, regular exercise, raising your legs three to four times a day and avoiding standing for long periods, can also help. For more information see: www.nhsinform.scot

I'VE booked myself in to have some permanent make up done on my eyes. Are there any risks?

Permanent make-up, also known as micropigmentation, is a cosmetic procedure to create long-lasting eyeliner, lip liner or eyebrow definition.

It's important to be absolutely certain before you go ahead with permanent make-up.

Results can be variable as the make-up may fade a little every year, there’s no guarantee you’ll achieve the desired effect, mistakes are hard to fix and styles change – thick, well-defined eyebrows, for example, may not be so fashionable in five years time.

The possible risks of micropigmentation include, disappointing results, skin reaction, such as swelling, cracking, peeling or blistering, granulomas – tiny lumps that form under the skin around the pigment, scarring, or overgrowths of scar tissue, an allergic reaction to the pigment – but this is rare, as the patch test would usually pick this up.

Discuss and understand the possible complications with the person before doing the make up.

That way you'll know what to expect. If you have any symptoms or complications and you think they need medical attention then contact your GP.

WHAT is a hiatus hernia?

A hiatus hernia is when part of the stomach squeezes up into the chest through a space in the diaphragm.

On it's own, a hiatus hernia rarely shows has any apparent symptoms, however in some cases a hiatus hernia can cause gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), a condition where acid from the stomach leaks up into the oesophagus.

Although not serious, GORD can cause a lot of discomfort for those who experience it.

A hiatus hernia is typically diagnoses after a gastroscopy or x-ray.

Treating this condition is only necessary if it causing noticeable problems such as gastro oesophageal reflux disease . In mild to moderate cases, this can be treated with lifestyle changes such as avoiding alcohol, eating smaller more frequent meals, removing 'trigger' food from your diet.

Trigger food are foods that appear to make your GORD worse.

In more severe or persistent cases, specialist medications or surgery may be recommended by your GP, especially if you have a sliding hiatus hernia (hernias that move up and down, in and out of the chest area).