1 Giant Panda:

They might be thriving at Edinburgh Zoo, but not in their Asian habitat.

2 Mountain Gorilla: The largest gorilla found in Africa, there are now fewer than 700 left.

3 Leatherback Turtle: Numbers of the world's largest turtle have been plunging since the 80s.

4 Amur Leopard: The world's rarest big cat, with less than 400 left in the wild.

5 Ivory-Billed Woodpecker: An American bird that is so rare, experts think it may already be extinct.

6 Javan Rhinoceros: Only 60 of the Indonesian mud-dwellers are known to survive.

7 Siberian Tiger: Threatened by illegal hunting and loss of its habitat in eastern Russia.

8 Hawaiian Monk Seal: Numbers have declined with fewer than 1000 remaining.

9 Northern Sportive Lemur: The most endangered of Madagascar's lemur species.

10 Giant Salamander: The world's largest amphibian, it has become a delicacy among the rich in China.