1 Star Wars Kid: In 2002 student Ghyslain Raza reenacted Star Wars-style fights using a golf ball retriever as a light saber.

2 Christian the Lion: John Rendall and Anthony Bourke reunited with their pet lion after he was released into the wild.

3 Grape Lady Falls: A local news reporter falls face-flat during a grape stomping contest.

4 Barack Obama's first YouTube address: First for the US president.

5 Chris Crocker, Leave Britney Alone.

Fan Crocker's response to criticism of Britney Spears.

6 Never Gonna Give You Up: The video for Rick Astley's 1987 hit.

7 Daniel After Dentist: Dad David DeVore posted a video of his dazed son after he had a tooth out.

8 Where is Matt?: Matt Harding, 32, travelled the world and recorded a short clip of himself doing a dance at landmarks.

9 Lazy Sunday: A gangsta rap parody featuring Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell.

10 Sneezing Baby Panda: A loud sneeze from the baby panda caused the mother to seize in shock.