1 Skiing:

Competitive and thrilling, or just an excuse to sip gluhwein wine and eat fondue, you decide.

2 Ski jump: A major adrenaline rush, but trickier than it looks... remember Eddie 'the Eagle'?

3 Bobsleigh: Not for the faint-hearted, this is a high-speed hurtle down an icy wall of terror.

4 Speed skating: Watching these superb athletes go is always a treat at a Winter Olympics.

5 Fgure skating: Torvill and Dean were the best ever, but this is great even for wobbly beginners.

6 Skimobile: For those with James Bond tendencies, a thrilling way to have a race in the snow.

7 Curling: A Scots sporting speciality requiring good balance and a sturdy broom.

8 Sledding: Whether you have a fancy proper sled or a glorified tea-tray, this snowy slide gets everyone laughing.

9 Luge: Every bit as scary as a bobsleigh and you're lying on your back as well.

10 Snowball fight: Not strictly a sport, but the best and quickest fun after a blizzard.