LORRAINE and Scott Wilson have more to celebrate this Christmas than many, as they cherish the time with their young son Evan.

Many people like to speak about miracle babies when they hear of remarkable recoveries, and who other than his family would have given much hope when Evan was diagnosed with liver cancer shortly after birth.

Well, the midwifery and medical staff of the NHS for a start, who spotted the problem, diagnosed it and devised a plan to treat and remove it to allow the little boy to go home to his family.

The NHS can and does make mistakes and things do go wrong, but when we hear of stories like Evan's it reminds us just how valuable a service we have and how skilled a workforce we can rely on day after day.

The NHS is the envy of most countries around the world with access to the best staff and treatment free at the point of use.

Thanks to the NHS, the Wilson family are looking forward to a Christmas which in the darkest moments they must have feared wouldn't come.

We wish them a very happy and long healthy future with their children.

And to all our readers and their families wherever they may be in the world, a Happy Christmas.