THE dangers of speeding on the roads should be obvious to all drivers by now.

There is a problem with motorists driving inappropriately on roads all over the city, but for most it is not a regular occurrence.

The practice where drivers, mostly young men, gather to show off their cars to one another should be nothing other than harmless fun - young people taking pride in vehicles on which they spend a lot of time and money.

However, the danger comes when some decide to race their cars through the city streets putting themselves - and the public - in great danger.

Glasgow city centre is not a race track, and residents, businesses and people visiting for a night out should not be faced with wannabe Lewis Hamiltons in souped-up hatchbacks.

The police are right to be keeping a close eye on these gatherings and making it clear to these young motorists that they will not tolerate any illegal driving.

Too many lives are lost through reckless driving and whether it is those behind the wheel, passengers pedestrians or other drivers, it is a tragic waste.

The so-called 'boy racers' need to understand that the car they cherish so much can also be a lethal weapon and that it should be handled with care.