OUR startling pictures and report today shows the shocking nature of anorexia and the damage it inflicts on those who are afflicted by the illness.

And illness is the key word that people need to understand about these most serious eating disorders to help those suffering survive their ordeal.

Leanne McKillop has shown immense courage by telling her story, and how her life was taken over by her condition, in the hope it will be a source of support for others.

Mental illness comes in many forms and eating disorders such as anorexia are also having a damaging effect on the person's physical health, making the condition worse.

For those watching someone fade away before their eyes, the experience is traumatic, especially if the person can't recognise there is a problem.

Thankfully, there are support services and professional medical and psychiatric help available to help people recover.

For the rest of us lucky enough not be afflicted by this illness, we need to understand the reality and seriousness of the condition and offer the support needed.