THE marchers against austerity in London at the weekend should have marched at Royal Ascot where a silly hat, designer handbag or a pair of shoes can cost more than a year's wages for the people who were marching.

Ascot is an obscene spectacle, it's a disgrace that the super rich, as a hobby, are paying more for a bit of horseflesh than ordinary people earn in a lifetime.

Make them pay the taxes they are due to this country and stop the super rich using tax laws and hiding their money abroad to avoid their responsibilities here, unfortunately the present lot of conservatives in parliament are all cut from the same cloth so don’t expect this cruel phoney austerity nonsense to stop anytime soon.

Rosemary Keery, Glasgow, via email

HAVING read about the new my Glasgow app in Tuesday's edition of the Evening Times I decided to try it. Since I had been trying to get a street lamp repaired after numerous calls and emails for the last 14 weeks I had nothing to lose. Imagine my surprise when I looked out of my window at 10pm on Friday only three days later to see it being repaired. One of the best apps for a mobile. Well done Glasgow city council and thanks Evening Times for letting us know about it.

Susan Murphy, Mosspark, via email

CONGRATULATIONS to Rachel on her Refugee Festival media award. She is a very talented young journalist whose articles I enjoy most in the Evening Times, lively, human, relevant and interesting. Well done, Rachel.

Norma De Vilbiss, via email

YET again more cuts by Gordon Matheson and co. This time it is a further £100m. Why all cuts?

Let's hand over the loss making car parks to the professionals to run and share the profits with Glasgow Council. No doubt they would immediately stop all the "freebie" parking.

In the meantime what "savings" is Mr Matheson going to implement at George Square? Perhaps he could, end the subsidised lunches, corporate entertaining, jollies, Golden handshakes, Christmas hampers and start using public transport would be a start.

I'm sure the people of Scotland could offer their local councils some saving suggestions if asked.

FMK, East Kilbride, via email