WHAT a wonderful story about Pat Coll who has finally had a transplant operation after nearly 20 years.

To think what he must have gone through for all those years.

I hope he goes from strength to strength and it just goes to show how important the donor scheme is.

I heard yesterday that numbers of those donating have fallen. I have always been a donor card carrier and I hope that other people think about signing up as well.

P Hall, South Side

I TAKE my hat off to Mhairi Black. She made a great maiden speech based not on theory but experience. Her work with the poorest in Glasgow deserves an award.

At last, a politician who follows words with actions.

Unlike our council leader who brags about his achievements while cutting the social work budget ruthlessly to fund his other ambitious and grandiose projects.

Alec Lindsay, Glasgow, via email

IN response to Ayisha Weatherall about the new hospital.

I think she need's her eyes test. I have been to the new hospital twice and I've never had a any problems finding where to go without help from the staff.

It took me 10 minutes to find where I should be.

I wear glasses event without them on, the building was very well signposted.

Bill Crawford, Penilee, via email

FOLLOWING on from a letter last week regarding red light offenders. I totally agree with the lady.

I was sitting pulled up at red traffic lights on the George V bridge on Saturday only to see a white private hire car fly past me.

There wasn't even an amber in sight. What would have happened if some poor soul had been hit by the driver.

I can't believe how these people get away with it and of course there wasn't even a police officer around to take any action.

L McGarrity, Glasgow

I CAN'T believe just how far this pavement row is going. So quite rightly it was highlighted that the pavement was not wide enough for kids to walk to school. Now the council hit back with an idea to make it wider.

I think we are getting away from the issue now.

Can't we just help the kids and give them their bus rights back.

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