IT was with disappointment that I read of the changes at the City Chambers. I am stunned that, once again, Councillor Russell Robertson has been ignored for one of the top jobs - a big mistake by Frank McAveety. With 40 years service in the NHS, it's people like Councillor Robertson who should be running the show. He's a fighter for his constituents - he secured the new primary school at Carntyne and he's always helping out at our community clean ups. His stamina is boundless. He is the only Councillor who is visible up here. It's the city's loss to keep him on the back benches. He is a caged big beast.

James Kelly, Carntyne, via email

REGARDING research finding Indyref has made teenagers more interested in politics, 16 to 17 years of age is far too young to have a vote in elections.... What do these youngsters know about life.... It was because of the SNP winding up these youngsters with their 'Braveheart' nonsense that brought on the troubles in George Square. They should be concentrating on their school work.

Harry Wilson, posted online

WHY have we gone all American and made such a big deal when it comes to Hallowe'en.

This is another attempt to force the habits of our cousins across the pond on us.

We have enough of our spooks day in day out, so why do we need to go crazy when it comes to Hallowe'en. It is another money making scheme and it is only dafties who go out and spend money on Hallowe'en decorations.

In my day you went out in a homemade outfit and there was none of this Trick or Treat.

C Perkins, Kinning Park

HOW on earth does the Theatre Royal get money from the council. They are claiming the have to make cuts left right and centre, but yet they are handing money out to drama. Is that really our priority? Surely there are far greater needs in the city than this.

D Hall, South Side

IS it just me or is anyone else in favour of forgetting changing the clocks. Do we really need to do it in this day and age. People work all kinds of hours and are always in and out of their cars, including school kids who are driven to school. So do we really need to do it. A bit of light in the morning for a few more weeks doesn't make a huge difference.

A Leitch, Glasgow