I HAVE been asking questions about some of the new energy supply companies.

I asked one how they could save me £350 per year.

They told me they buy their supplies at wholesale auctions but nobody can tell me where or when these sales are held, who conducts them or what happens if they don’t bid enough.

If anyone out there has any idea what is happening could they please let me know.

I did not need to switch as my own supplier gave me the same deal.

William Allan, Hawthorn Terrace, East Kilbride, by email

SO, Ian Duncan Smith, has decided he no longer has the stomach to rob the sick, the poor and the disabled.

Well, better late than never I suppose.

Let’s now hope this remorse of conscience spreads to the rest of the Tory party who will decide not to vote for George Osborne as the next Prime Minister.

Frank McKain, Otago Park, East Kilbride, by email

WHO would believe it?

One of the most unpopular men in the Tory Party has disagreed against George Osbourne’s policies which will hurt the vulnerable more than ever.

At last the man has shown a bit of compassion and perhaps regrets all the strife and heartaches he caused.

Wonders will never cease.

At last the cabinet are revolting - an apt turn of phrase.

Alex Lindsay, Baldwin Avenue, Glasgow, by email

WATCHING the tv program The Last Leg this week, people are rejoicing about the sugar tax.

If everybody agrees that this is a good move, why is it not a good thing to bring in for alcohol?

Also, does it mean diet forms of carbonated drinks will go up in line with sugar laden drinks?

John McLean, by email

GLASGOW must be the only city in the world which doesn’t celebrate St Patricks Day.

With a large Irish community why is this?

Shamus McGiurke, Glasgow, by email

READING about the student facing deportation to Ghana"in fear of his life" (Evening Times, Monday) let's hope common-sense and decency prevail.

Our system should not be so inefficient as to condemn a man to death over a administrative error.

Especially when it's as plain as the nose on your face that this is an exceptional member of society.

Eleanor Eastlake, posted online