READING about three cars set on fire in Garnethill (Evening Times June 17), I find the police comments quite baffling.

Three cars ablaze at almost identical spots over a relatively short period of time and they say there is nothing suspicious.

As Ian Fleming said: “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

Did the cars burst into flames spontaneously or were they helped along?

Fire officers always give a cause of a car fire.

It must be worrying for residents to read this report. I would replace enemy action with strongly suggested criminal action.

Did the vehicle owners turn up to inspect the damage or get the wrecks removed?

Johnny Mack, posted online

SO the council will put down yellow lines as soon as residents repair the lane where the cars were on fire.

As everyone knows, crooks looking to torch cars for the insurance or teenage joyriders blowing them up for a laugh will avoid yellow lines like vampires avoid garlic crosses!

Iain McKenzie, posted online

WE have problems with sectarianism which stopped me attending football games.

However the English are much worse. I stopped going to Magaluf as the English with their Union Jack and Bulldog shirts caused havoc.

The Russians appeared to be ex-forces and not to be messed with.

Scots were always welcome and well behaved.

Alex Lindsay, Baldwin Avenue, Glasgow

SCOTLAND leading the way in offering three cycles of IVF will be welcomed by many but waiting times for infertility treatment will rise and remain at least at 12 months.

There is less coverage of natural methods to achieve a much longed for child. For the 25% of patients with unexplained infertility there is a natural method of seeking to enhance the potential to conceive.

Up to 85% of couples can be helped to conceive using the Billings Ovulation Method.

In keeping with the Chief Medical Officer’s call for value for money, realism, and evidence-based medicine Billings requires its place in the debate about infertility treatment and fertility awareness.

Lucille McQuade, Fertility Care Scotland, Newton Place, Glasgow