I FOUND it very depressing to read four letters supporting Trident in the Evening Times (July 21).

I wonder if the authors of these four letters are aware that the Conservative Defence Secretary Philip Hammond recently commented that North Korea would not be safer for having nuclear weapons and that it would in fact make them a target.

The problem with the deterrent argument is that if you follow it to its logical conclusion, every country in the world has a right to have nuclear weapons, as insurance against attack.

Would the world really be a safer place if this were the case?

What right do the nuclear powers have to prevent other countries from acquiring these weapons? Is this not just hypocrisy?

Scotland had the largest concentration of nuclear weapons in Europe, making us a prime target for attack, meaning that the Westminster Government regards Scottish lives as being expendable.

Do you think there would be much of an appetite for retaining these WMD if they were based in Plymouth?

We need to get these monstrous weapons out of our country.

Peter Wilson, by email

SO we don’t want Trident here in Scotland but are desperate to build armed warships, aircraft carriers and frigates on the Clyde.

What do they fire in their guns - paint balls ?!

Rosemary Keery, Gordon Drive, Glasgow

IN what must be the most predictable turn of events of recent times, the Subway modernisation works will not be completed on time. (Evening Times July 21)

Has any project undertaken by SPT ever run to schedule?

Instead of meaningless apologies, perhaps SPT could offer some kind of tangible recompense to its inconvenienced passengers?

A free all day ticket might be appropriate, perhaps even a free ticket for each day that the repairs overrun the intended timetable.

While offers like this would help to hold the publicly-funded body to account, I won’t hold my breath waiting to see any action being taken.

Brian Atkinson, Glasgow

THE work at Queen Street station will also run over its time as well.

I hope there are time penalties in place for this and it doesn’t come out of the public purse.

William Gibson, posted online

READING about the father who shook his baby son to death (Evening Times July 22), God love Joshua.

My thoughts and prayers are with him. RIP Joshua.

Andrew McGhee, posted online