Don’t buy it

I SEE an MSP has been complaining about Toblerone reducing the size of their chocolate bar,. (Evening Times online November 16).

I do not see what all the fuss is, the simple answer is “ do not buy it”.

Jim Tees, by email

Idiotic views

GOING onto Question Time one must assume the audience is going to be political.

That’s why it was a cringe-worthy moment when Cat Boyd, an “activist”, or rather, *inactivist*, dropped the bomb that she abstained from voting in the EU referendum.

However, she didn’t abstain like we’re used to hearing with Scottish Labour. The truth is, she was on holiday, sunning it up in Cuba.

Now, she has the brass neck to hurl herself before the nation on Question Time and lecture the majority who voted to leave the European Union.

Miss Boyd’s views are toxic to society and while within her left-wing bubble, she believes herself relevant - I believe Scotland’s independence movement is better off without such idiotic views.

Women died for the vote yet modern feminism is represented by these hypocritical, bleeding heart liberals.

It is a sad, sad situation and emblematic of Scotland’s left wing.

Juan Woods, Hyndland

Transport priority

I’D like to thank the Evening Times for speaking to the young people of Glasgow about the cost of transport (November 17). Young people have a vital to play in improving public transport for everyone.

We hear from young people across Scotland that the cost of travel is one of the key barriers to getting involved in activities, accessing services and taking up opportunities.

At Young Scot our mission is to help young people access opportunities to make the most of their lives and play a full and active part in Scottish life. Public transport is a priority area for us.

At the heart of our approach is the Young Scot National Entitlement Card (NEC). All young people aged 11 to 25 can choose to have a Young Scot NEC or a young person’s NEC. Two thirds of all young people in Scotland are Young Scot cardholders and they have in their hands smart technology which can be used to tackle inequality and remove barriers.

Currently all NEC Cardholders aged 16-18 are entitled to discounts on trains and buses as part of the national travel concessions managed by Transport Scotland. We are currently actively working with Transport Scotland to explore how we can further enhance the travel offer.

We would love to hear from them and their families about how we can work together to further develop the Young Scot Card.

Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive, Young Scot