Am I being cynical or is this a rerun of Maggie Thatcher's tactics to discredit the trade unions, in relation to the rail and postal strikes?

All these disputes have been going on for months without the Tory Government raising a finger to try to settle them.

Now they are talking about anti union legislation, instead of trying to stop attacks on working conditions, pensions, wages, and job security.

The Tories will not be happy until all hourly workers are on zero hour contracts on minimum wages with unpaid holidays because this is Tory policy and always has been.

We have been through it before in the early eighties, ask the print workers, the miners, the steel workers and the car workers.

William Allan, East Kilbride


Sad to see Alex Salmond (Evening Times December 19) still wears his heart, instead of his brain, on his sleeve.

He believes that a Yes vote could now be achieved as a result of Brexit.

He may just be right, but unfortunately he has failed to recognise that the voters who voted Yes the first time, may change their minds a second time as result of the broken promises, pitiful results and the gross mismanagement of this incompetent SNP government over the past 5 years

Surprisingly Alex, I still think you personally are the best of your party.

Frank McKain, East Kilbride


Like massive Death Star gravitational whirlpools our councils are sucking the life out of our communities by slashing their budgets and whining about not being able to put our council taxes up.

Will somebody please put their head above the parapet and explain how much of our tax is entering the vortex of public pension schemes?

One story goes that on average it requires five tax payers not in public employment to support each public sector pension.

Is the creaking fortress of current council structure along with all it's bungling bureaucracy any longer fit for purpose?

Now must be the time to devolve power to local communities. Only then can we achieve real value for our money.

David Catto, by email
