GOVANHILL community campaigners are right to be aggrieved when it comes to promises being made and broken if the picture highlighted in Monday’s Evening Times is anything to go on.

It looks more like a war zone than an area fit for human habitation.

We seem to be constantly reading about the overcrowding, filthy conditions which exist in the area and an Enhanced Enforcement Area status would never have been required if the parasites who call themselves landlords had been dealt with by the council years ago.

I noticed Nicola Sturgeon was conspicuous by her absence in the photo shoot with the campaigners.

Margaret Sinclair, Dougrie Place


I COMPLETELY agree with Anthony Martin about the number of anti-Scottish Government letters that have been published recently in the Evening Times.

He rightly points out that the people of Scotland have a choice to make between self government, or being ruled by very right-wing Tory government at Westminster.

Those who support the so called union are good at putting Scotland down and complaining about the SNP Government.

Let’s not forget that due to the SNP we have largely been shielded from the worst effects of the Tories divisive policies.

We are constantly being told by Unionists that we are an economic basket case now that the price of oil has fallen.

If our economy is in such bad shape why are Westminster Tory and Labour politicians so keen to keep us in the union?

P D Wilson, by email


WHILE visiting an unwell relative in the new Queen Elizabeth hospital I felt, after reading your article about the blinds (Evening Times January 30), I felt I would like to voice my opinion.

Unlike the poor gentleman mentioned who has no daylight, my relative’s blinds have collapsed altogether so when sun is shining they would need to lie in bed with sunglasses on.

These blinds are integrated into the windows so obviously will be very expensive to maintain as window will have to be opened up to repair.

I have not been impressed at all with the design of this hospital one bit, en-suite rooms sounds great but is only good if you are mobile and can walk around for some human interaction.

Speaking from experience being confined to bed after operations at the Royal Infirmary having the help and interaction of fellow Glasgow characters who would make their voice heard on your behalf was an absolute godsend and great for morale.

Given the choice I know what hospital I would like to go to in an instant.

Ian Stewart, Govanhill