SO it has started again.

The Evening Times letters are being used as an anti-Nicola/SNP platform by hysterical unionists.

Get rid of your small mindedness and let go of Westminster.

Other small countries take pride in running their own affairs. Grow up and take control of your own destiny.

Anthony Martin, by email

Careful look

HAVING been a SNP supporter and member for most of my voting life, my main aim being that of independence from the puppet masters of Westminster, I do not want this to be replaced with the puppet masters strings of Brussels.

I take pride in being Scottish having traced my family tree all the way back to “Robert the Bruce” and do not wish for my country to be used as a stepping stone for economic immigrants.

I think a vote for independence must be looked at more closely.

Isobel McVey, by email

Nuclear situation

I HEAR the rhetoric about independent Scotland but I wonder if the SNP have outlined the early problems.

The SNP demand no nuclear weapons on Scottish soil so it will be impossible to maintain the Faslane Base which I believe employs some 8300 people.

The SNP will be forced earlier now than thought to lose the Faslane Base and the RAF bases in Scotland.

The recent MOD order for ships to be built on the Clyde will have to go elsewhere and no more MOD contracts for the Clyde.

The Barnet Formula, which gives the people of Scotland a higher allowance per head will stop, and the Scottish Parliament will have to pay this so no more free universities or anything as your Taxes will have to be increased to make up the difference.

Ernie Terry, by email

Sports survey

THE recent survey from The British Journal of Sports Medicine, suggesting children go off the idea of exercise from as young as seven-years-old, comes as we launch our own Boys’ Brigade sports participation survey.

Our aim is to find out how much our members are taking part in physical activity.

We believe that in addition to the health benefits, sport can also set a young person’s moral compass and challenge them to become competitive, a good team player and work towards goals while having fun.

Alan Hunter, Acting Director for Scotland