If there was anyone you couldn’t trust it is most definitely Theresa May. How she managed to get the job of Prime Minister is beyond belief. When she was justice secretary she screwed up many times over, messed up the justice system big time. Now she battles Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland on Brexit. She is deciding and we don’t have a say. She is going to cause a lot of serious problems.

Bill Beckett, Garnethill, Glasgow

Great concern

As a former member of the Parent Council at Thorntree Primary School I can assure you that parking outside the premises is of great concern to the school.

We have tried for years asking parents not to park at the school, we got zig zags painted and even used the children as “parking monitors” to try to persuade motorists to park further from the school.

Nothing we did made the slightest bit of difference to the inconsiderate motorists who would appear to value parking over the safety of the children they are actually dropping off at the school. Our pupils and residents in Cobinshaw Street deserve better.

Eunice Craig, posted online

National problem

Regarding the story about parents causing parking nightmares outside school - this is a problem you see up and down the country.

Schools built in the 1800s surrounded by homes built in the 1900s with no consideration for access of vehicles. The carry on getting deliveries or bin trucks in and out Dunard Primary in Maryhill is crazy. Parents dropping off or picking up kids is like musical chairs with cars.

Kevin Ross, posted online

Under threat

Having read the story about parking charges threatening the University Cafe on Byres Road I feel Glasgow is losing its character by driving out institutions like this.

Folk complain of West-End corporatisation but there’s no protection for micro-businesses from punitive Glasgow City Council policies. No-one speaks up for us while GCC rake in parking cash killing small businesses.

We need a council who live in Glasgow and support our small businesses above their own corporate interests.

The new intake of students were not happy last year bemoaning Glasgow’s plethora of chain-stores (how many Next, Gap etc) and lack of independent shops. Men in suits running GCC promoting corporates above Glasgow institutions like this must go. Save this loved business and Glasgow’s character.

Samantha Cooper, posted online