May have found the solution to grasping the mystery of Broadchurch watch it once at normal time then go to plus an hour and watch it again while its still fresh in your brain.

That's what I do and still feel mystified as to why no one goes to work and is the police lady and the detective still working for the police or are they doing all this while on holiday, and why are they all always on the beach or being photographed miles away on the horizon with the music at full blast.

Why is the barrister is not getting her newspaper editor pal to read the case notes aloud to her because she can't see to read them herself.

Has her assistant has not sussed this out even although she wants to keep him there all night reading them to her. There are more questions than answers and its more baffling as each episode is broadcast. Can't wait.

Rosemary Keery, Glasgow

Regarding £4.3m in parking fines being paid in Glasgow, the city has a very good public transport system. Why not leave the car at home, or outwith the city centre and use it? If people choose to park irresponsibly they deserve to be towed, not ticketed

Ron Campbell posted online

I find it shocking that the school day in West Dunbartonshire is to be shortened. Surely there are other ways which could have been looked at to avoid this. What about the high-flying salaries.

Is our children's education not the most important thing we can give them. It is hard enough for parents who need to arrange childcare as it is, never mind now altering the school week.

C Gentles Govan

It says something about children are exposed to these days that the they can recognise beer names more so than biscuit labels.

Alcohol Concern are right to highlight this. However calling for a change to ads in connection with the watershed seems a very outdated approach.

What is the definition of the watershed now? People can watch shows any time of the day on catch up or on the web. I think we are in real danger of losing sight of the watershed once and for fall. What would Mary Whitehouse have said.

L McGarrity, Renfrewshire