WITH regards the Rangers' HMRC case, how much is this further court case costing the taxpayer?

If there has already been judgment passed, who has taken the decision to spend more taxpayers' money in pursuit of a supposed debt that won't be paid even if HMRC does manage to win.

I am astounded that there is no national outcry at this abuse of the public purse.

It seems to me that the person making the decision to spend more on this further action is duty bound to explain their motives.

Donald MacGregor

Posted online

Saving union

So the two arch-enemies in the last Labour Government are now in cahoots to save the Union.

Do they really expect the general public to give any credence to their utterances after promising us, while in power, that boom and bust had been eradicated from the economy and would not be seen again in our lifetime?

Two years later their economic incompetence in freeing controls on London banks and financial institutions resulted in the UK facing its worst economic crisis this century.

I MacLachlan


Star's death

As a Richard Attenborough fan, I was sad to hear of his death.

I was lucky to meet Richard Attenborough a few years ago at Glasgow Film Theatre and got his autograph.

He was great, he always had time for his fans and I will remember meeting him for years.

Michael McNulty
