GOOD to see that health workers in Scotland are being given a one per cent pay rise.

I can't think of more deserving workers whether they be in the public or private sector.

It is a job which at times is literally life or death and I don't think we give them enough recognition.

There is a lot in the news about waiting times and bed shortages, but that has nothing to do with the dedicated staff on the front line.

It's a shame it is just one per cent as they deserve more.

B Saunders, Glasgow

SUCH a sad story about the dying dog Magic. It is heartbreaking for his owner. What a wonderful thing to do though a bucket-list request for the dog. It will give his owner such wonderful memories in the years to come.

I am not surprised Magic's story has led to such public support.

D Martin, East End

SUPERB show in last night's Evening Times for the Community Champion awards.

I think it is wonderful that people working hard in our communities are recognised. Every year when the Queen's honours come around there are always so many celebs who get gongs simply for just doing their job. There might be some worthy people in those rounds, but this Community Champions event is truly something that should be held up for all to see.

I hope those who received awards in the North East are giving themselves a well-deserved pat on the back. If it wasn't for these good people working hard to make the most of our surroundings I don't know where we would be.

C Rogers South Side

GREAT that the bike hire scheme is to be extended. When the announced 'Gordon's Gears' would be coming to the city, I thought it would just be a craze around the Commonwealth Games. However, during the winter I have seen many people taking them out - much to my surprise. It seems to have have a big tourist hit and it is great news that it is to be extended across the city.

If we are to compete as a top European visitor destination then we do need scheme like this and for them to be invested in year after year.

A Leitch, Renfrewshire