AN expat from Ukraine is helping to stage a special charity event in Paisley tomorrow.

Nataliia Hinde and two other businesswomen are holding the fundraiser in aid of children's charities in Scotland and Ukraine.

The 27-year-old, who has lived in Scotland for four years, and is married to a Scot, said: "We are so fortunate in this country to have excellent social services and a system of care that simply does not exist for mothers and children in other countries.

"We want to help by raising money for orphanages in Ukraine and in aid of Barnardo's Scotland.

"This is the first time such an event will be held and it marks the beginning of a new relationship between the two nations."

The event, at the Paisley Centre, takes place from 11am-4pm. Activities aimed at children will be included.

Nataliia, who is a business ambassador for Ukraine, said "We are sure the relationships will grow and more will be done in future to help children in both countries." Don't miss more on Nataliia's fundraising efforts in tomorrow's Weekend Times.