Would you or someone you know like to earn £100 for starting a paper round? 

The Evening Times is looking for people in Glasgow and the surrounding areas to help find customers and start a paper round.

Interested? Here is how you do it:

1. Phone us on 0141 302 7300 or email home.delivery@heraldandtimes.co.uk to provide your details and obtain a promotion form and leaflets to help you get customers.

2. Go round the doors in your area with an adult and find five customers who would like you to deliver the Evening Times.

3. Take a note of all the customers' details, full name and address including postcode.

4. Call the Evening Times on 0141 302 7300 or email home.delivery@heraldandtimes.co.uk with the customers information and we will arrange to get you started.

5. After 8 weeks continuous delivery, you will receive a £100 cash bonus.

Terms and conditions apply. 

  • You must be 13 years or older to start a paper run - no upper age limit.
  • You earn 15p commission per paper per day.
  • Bonus money paid out after 8 weeks continuous delivery to all customers. The more customers you get the more bonus money you will earn. Supply should remain the same or higher during this time.