I’D like to highlight the need for people of Glasgow to take more pride in caring for their streets and communities.

Many Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers now get regularly together to tidy up their streets.

We must encourage more people to use bins and stop dropping litter.

As the excuse “that’s what we pay our council tax for” is wearing thin. It’s our community, lets play our part.

Jill Ferguson, Crow Road

Get on with it

I AM gobsmacked at all the moaning from the public and politicians.

We as a nation ( Great Britain) voted to leave the European Union - easy, simple, get on with it. Individuals may be unhappy about the vote but hey that’s democracy.

It’s frightening that individuals can get the democratic process possibly derailed, many things have happened in the past and we have always accepted the decision, so why is it now acceptable to destroy the process of democracy or even to fragment the population?

To all political parties, you are not a law unto yourselves, we ( the populace ) at a certain level are your masters so do our bidding, not you or your conscience’s views.

John McLean, by email


IN reference to the story about the Maryhill prison site being earmarked for social housing (Evening Times September 25), did the Scottish Government ask the NHS why they didn’t offer the site to Maryhill Housing when the preferred bidder didn’t go ahead with the offer?

If not, why not?

The Scottish Government worked so closely with the GHA that Sighthill, Springburn, will become another area where fat cat developers will money make from land that was previously social housing.

They call it affordable housing which is, as the name suggests, only if you can afford it!

Presumably the Scottish Governments ambitions are not for social housing but affordable housing.

How Tory of them!

Alex Saville, posted online

Move exchange

READING about the needle exchange to be shut (Evening Times September 25), Network Rail are quite correct in asking for it to close.

If someone was infected due to needles or other stuff lying about they would be held responsible.

A hospital or clinic is the best place for a needle exchange.

Fraser Weir, posted online